Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis Index

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    Coronary Arteries

  1. Normal coronary artery, microscopic
  2. Atherosclerosis, mechanisms for development, diagram
  3. Mild coronary atherosclerosis, microscopic
  4. Severe calcific coronary atherosclerosis, microscopic
  5. Coronary atherosclerosis, cross sections, gross
  6. Coronary atherosclerosis, plaque with thrombus, microscopic
  7. Coronary atherosclerosis with thrombosis, microscopic
  8. Severe coronary atherosclerosis, gross
  9. Coronary atherosclerosis with hemorrhage into plaque, gross
  10. Coronary thrombosis, gross
  11. Coronary thrombosis, gross
  12. Coronary thrombosis, microscopic
  13. Acute myocardial infarction, gross
  14. Acute myocardial infarction, gross
  15. Remote myocardial infarction, gross
  16. Left ventricular aneurysm, gross
  17. Aorta

  18. Aorta, lipid streaks, gross
  19. Aorta, lipid streaks, gross
  20. Aortas with mild, moderate, and severe atherosclerosis, gross
  21. Aorta, atheromatous plaque, medium power microscopic
  22. Aorta, atheromatous plaque, high power microscopic
  23. Aorta, atheromatous plaque, high power microscopic
  24. Aorta, atherosclerotic aneurysm, gross
  25. Atherosclerotic peripheral vascular disease, CT angiography
  26. Arteriolosclerosis

  27. Renal hyperplastic arteriolosclerosis, microscopic
  28. Renal arterial fibrinoid necrosis with hypertensive emergency, microscopic
  29. Renal hyaline arteriolosclerosis with diabetes mellitus, microscopic
  30. Monckeberg's medial calcific arteriosclerosis, microscopic
  31. Thromboembolism

  32. GIF animation of pulmonary thromboembolus, diagram
  33. Pulmonary thromboembolus, gross
  34. Pulmonary thromboembolus, gross
  35. Pulmonary thromboembolus, gross
  36. Pulmonary thromboembolus, microscopic
  37. Pulmonary thromboembolus, microscopic
  38. Recent thrombus with lines of Zahn, microscopic
  39. Infarction

  40. Hemorrhagic pulmonary infarction, gross
  41. Ischemic infarction, bowel, gross
  42. Ischemic infarction, brain, gross
  43. Ischemic infarction, myocardium, gross
  44. Ischemic infarction, spleen, gross
  45. Coagulation

  46. Platelet, electron micrograph
  47. Hypercoagulable states, table
  48. Petechial hemorrhages, epicardium, gross
  49. Ecchymoses, skin of arm, gross
  50. Hematoma, toenail, gross
  51. Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy (DIC), fibrin thrombus in lung, high power microscopic
  52. Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy (DIC), fibrin thrombi with fibrin stain, glomerulus, high power microscopic

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